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PwC Store Poland
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KSeF e-invoice tool for organizations. Support for your company in implementing structured invoices
Application for SAF-T & tax automation. Process improvement: VAT, CIT, SAF-T, whitelist, payment gridlock, e-Financial Statements, structured invoices, VAT Groups
SAF-T verification. Check the correctness: JPK_V7, JPK_FA, JPK_KR, JPK_MAG
Customs Origin Calculation Tool: automation and optimization of the process of monitoring the origin of goods
Customs Training: dedicated training courses and workshops for companies on import and export of goods
Software for maintaining records of excise goods. Meet mandatory digitization requirements in the excise records field
People Happiness Assessment Tool: a tool for building employee satisfaction and engagement
XBRL Reporter: reporting in accordance with ESEF
Whistleblowing platform: system of early warning about irregularities in the organization