Whistleblowing platform - System of early warning about irregularities in the organization

Does your company employ more than 50 people?

If so, you have until September 25, 2024 to implement an internal reporting procedure, which should define the methods by which whistleblowers can report irregularities, including the tools used by the company to report abuse.

Avoid penalties now and prepare your company for the upcoming changes!


How the whistleblowing platform works

The whistleblowing platform is a system of early warning about irregularities in the organization. Our solution enables both effective receipt of reports and conducting explanatory proceedings. Thanks to the platform, the whistleblower can remain anonymous, the report data is completely safe and the entire process complies with the law (including the provisions of the GDPR).

How does our tool respond to the needs of your organization?

  • We provide employees with a channel for anonymous reporting of irregularities in the organization.
  • We provide employees with an opportunity to submit ideas to improve internal processes.
  • We offer a solution that allows you to receive reports and effectively conduct explanatory proceedings. The tool is flexible, its functionalities can be easily adapted to the needs and specifics of the organization.
  • We provide support in accepting reports and their initial analysis (including dialogue with the whistleblower).
  • We provide additional support in building a comprehensive whistleblowing system (maturity diagnosis, development of internal regulations, training and communication activities).


Compliance with legal regulations

The implementation of the whistleblowing system will allow the organization to remain compliant with the law. The solution in the form of a platform guarantees operation in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR.

Data security

The platform ensures complete protection of all data. Sensitive data collected by the application is the property of your organization.

Effective management

Effective management of report information is assured by monitoring explanatory proceedings and the possibility of conducting a dialogue with the whistleblower.

Real-time generated statistics

Received reports can be analysed in real time in terms of their significance and the status of ongoing explanatory proceedings.

Documentation due diligence

It is possible to gather all information and documentation related to a given report in one place.


Anonymity and contact with the whistleblower

Possibility of anonymous reporting, which does not exclude further dialogue with the whistleblower.

Configuration adjusted to your needs

The ability to configure various application elements (e.g. access rights, types of reports, selection lists).

Intuitive and user friendly interface

Convenient to use for both whistleblowers and persons responsible for conducting explanatory proceedings.

Multilingual user interface

Possibility to provide a multilingual interface.

Outsourcing of the report receipt process

A team of qualified PwC experts can support your organization in operating the platform (preliminary analysis of reports and further dialogue with the whistleblower).

Whistleblowing system implementation process


Pre-implementation support (up to 2 weeks)

  • Review and analysis of procedures and tools already functioning in the organization.
  • Preparation of pre-implementation recommendations.


Development of a dedicated internal regulation (up to 2 weeks)

Defining the rules of reporting violations, conducting explanatory proceedings and protecting whistleblowers.


Providing the platform (depending on the configuration: 1-2 weeks)

Providing a platform for reporting irregularities in the form of a secure channel enabling anonymous reporting and further contact with a whistleblower.


Post-implementation support

  • Customized training.
  • Communication activities.


Outsourcing (on a continuous basis)

Outsourcing of the whistleblowing platform operation to PwC.
