Application for the automation of CIT settlements

Automated calculations resulting from corporate income tax

Taxolite is a tax reporting tool

The Taxolite application is designed to enable the implementation of tax reporting in even the most complex system structures. It can integrate with other data sources and ERP software, without the need for changes in system environments.

Among other things, the tool allows streamlining tax settlement processes in terms of calculations, declarations, the single control file (JPK), as well as in terms of e-reporting, payment congestion and structured invoices.

Taxolite - your support for tax reporting

The growing role of process automation in the relations between the Ministry of Finance and the taxpayer, and the trend of tax proceedings we observe, indicate that the Ministry of Finance treats the CIT area as a priority. This is evidenced by, in particular, the amendment to the CIT Act, which introduces the obligation to prepare and publish information on tax strategies for larger taxpayers as well as introduction of new mandatory SAF-T files dedicated for CIT settlements (i.e. JPK_KR_PD and JPK_ST_KR). This step is aimed at increasing the transparency of tax settlements of the largest CIT taxpayers in Poland.

In the face of the progressing automation of processes, it is worth thinking about it in our own company and analyzing how CIT tax reporting can be improved in order to free up time for data analysis in return for its preparation.

See more: Application for SAF-T & tax automation

See more: SAF-T verification for the companies


Security of settlements

You will reduce the risk of errors in calculations and reports and ensure the consistency of reported data.

Time saving and cost reduction

You will improve the reporting process by reducing its labor consumption, which will allow you to use human resources for other tasks.


You will create any reports, statements and simulations of tax information to gain a multi-level analysis of the company's accounting and tax data.


You test the quality and correctness of your data before generating declarations and other tax documents on its basis.


 You work with any amount of data, even for several entities, retrieved to the application automatically.


You will define your own calculation scheme, which can be corrected and updated on an ongoing basis.

Why should we be trusted?


We have supported the automation of tax reporting in several hundred companies.


We have implemented the Taxolite application for over 40 clients.


Our services have reached at least 500 companies, and several hundred users make us of the solutions offered.
