Process Mining as a Service

Improve and monitor your business processes

How it works

PwC Process Intelligence is a process analysis method based on detailed system data that allows to obtain an objective picture of the real flow of business processes.

Process Mining as a Service enables consistent and objective process analysis and ongoing monitoring of relevant KPIs in any area of your company - without software license costs and additional IT costs for implementation and maintenance.

How does the tool respond to the needs of your organization?

  • Our approach is possible by using a complete set of information stored in source systems, giving an objective and full picture of how the business processes in the organization run.
  • This enables a greater understanding of the real flows of processes, identifies the areas of risk and the potential to optimize the use of resources.
  • Such a comprehensive analysis is not possible using a traditional approach to the study of processes (e.g. walkthrough methodology, sampling method), and most importantly, the traditional approach does not allow for ongoing monitoring of changes in the process.



  • An objective picture of the real flow of business processes in the form of a dynamic process map
  • Cross-sectional comparison of behavior between different business units and/or the periods analyzed through the internal benchmarking functionality
  • Continuous monitoring of the state of the processes thanks to regular updates of data feeding the tool

Quality and compliance

  • A set of dashboards enables the ongoing assessment of the compliance of processes and comparison to assumptions and procedures, as well as developed recommendations for improvements
  • Identification of risk areas thanks to extensive slice-and-dice functionalities
  • Visualization of deviations from the theoretical model of the process and insight into details of process flow time and redundant iterations


  • Efficiency analysis and identification of bottlenecks thanks to drill-down functionality with a functionality to go into the details of a single instance in the process
  • Identification of areas with potential for automation and elimination of manual and repetitive activities
  • Analysis of the root causes of deviations and non-standard process flows thanks to a set of interactive visualizations


Business benefits

  • Sealing the processes in organization
  • Cross-sectional comparison of behavior between different business units
  • Identification of process’s bottlenecks, inaccuracies and frauds
  • Assessment of automation potential in the organization

Cost benefits

  • Optimization of throughput times between individual process steps and the associated savings
  • Limitation of manual and repetitive tasks - the possibility to spend more time on analytical tasks
  • Identification and the possibility of excluding the reasons for bottlenecks in the process
  • Capital turnover optimization
  • Identification of potential process integration areas to reduce costs

Quality benefits

  • Access to an objective view of the real course of business processes in the company
  • Clear indicators (KPI) monitoring ongoing changes in processes and policies
  • Examination of use of automatic controls (e.g. 3-way-match) and Segregation of Duties

What the initial process looks like

As part of the Process Mining as a Service, thanks to which you gain access to a dedicated analytical tool in the form of a series of dashboards, the conclusions and recommendations developed during the analysis carried out during the initial project can be assessed on an ongoing basis in the selected variant of the data update frequency.


We will identify the most important areas for analysis and gather detailed business requirements.


We will carry out system analysis in the context of collected business requirements.


We will create an analytical tool using process mining software, tailored to the needs of your organization.


We will carry out an initial analysis of the process and prepare a set of recommendations for potential improvements.
