Monitoring of payment gridlocks

Original Business Intelligence application from Smart BI Platform

How does the Smart BI Platform - Payment Gridlocks work?

Our application allows you to monitor liabilities and payment gridlocks on an ongoing basis to support the management and analysis of upcoming payments and commitments as well as other areas related to working capital.

We offer both off the shelf solutions ("plug-and-play" dashboards), as well as we create tailor-made tools to best suit your needs and requirements.

The UOKiK regulations and sanctions justify the need to monitor the working capital and payment gridlocks

Every entity conducting business activity in Poland will encounter the payment gridlocks issues and the regulations introduced by the Act on counteracting excessive delays in commercial transactions.

The regulations introduced as well as the resulting sanctions and obligations justify the need for the ongoing monitoring and management of the working capital and payment gridlocks. The Smart BI Platform - Payment Gridlocks app is a Business Intelligence tool that meets these needs, enabling the monitoring of payment processes at every level of detail - from aggregated indicators (KPI) to individual invoices.



A comprehensive analytical platform for payment gridlocks in one integrated tool.


Current insight into the state of payments in your organization for both executives/managers as well as analysts.

Compliance with regulations

Counteracting the payment gridlocks and complying with the Act on counteracting excessive delays in commercial transactions allows for the minimization of penalties and sanctions.

Key elements of the Smart BI Platform - Payment Gridlock implementation process


IT environment analysis

We will analyze and prepare the client's environment and infrastructure to complete the project.


Purchase of Microsoft PowerBI

We will help and advise in the process of purchasing Microsoft PowerBI licenses (if you do not have one yet).


Data collection

We will connect to the source systems collecting data on invoices, payments and contractors in your organization.


Preparation of an access policy

We will prepare a structure of the access policies to the tool, adjusted to the needs of the organization.



We will prepare and conduct user training on the use of the developed application.


Support in maintaining the tool

We will provide maintenance support for the developed application.
