Automatic screening of business partners

A tool for assessing the risk associated with cooperation with business partners

How does Intelligent Risk Monitoring work?

Intelligent Risk Monitoring is an original tool that performs dozens of tests to allow you to immediately screen large volumes of business partners and identify financial, tax, legal, and fraud risks. 

The tool automatically collects and analyzes large amounts of data, including information from business registers, as well as financial and tax data. The next step involves performing a series of tests to assess the risk associated with each of the entities being screened.

Legally required due diligence

Businesses are legally required to exercise due care in screening their business partners. At the moment, the Polish Ministry of Finance sets out business partner screening criteria, but the list is not exhaustive.

Importantly, screening business partners is a natural process for businesses that want to start or continue collaboration with business partners. Its aim is to shield businesses from various risks such as:

Intelligent Risk Monitoring supports ESG goals

Our solution is part of the supply chain screening process, which is an integral part of ESG (Environmental, Social & Corporate Governance) strategies. Adequate and reliable screening of business partners will support transparent business management and the development of corporate governance.


Analysis based on government guidelines and PwC’s experience and knowledge

The Intelligent Risk Monitoring utilizes methods we have developed for assessing business partners, based on our experience in implementing investigative projects and on our extensive knowledge in the area of business intelligence with the use of governmental guidelines for screening business partners.

Risk analyses from various perspectives tailored to your needs

Intelligent Risk Monitoring performs a number of tests developed by PwC, and uses the outcomes and assigned weights to assess tax, financial, legal, and operational risks associated with business partners.

Analysis of large volumes of business partners in a short time based on data from multiple sources

Our tool facilitates screening of tens of thousands of business partners, using various data, including data from business registers, financial information, information on the VAT status, as well as data from the Central Register of Ultimate Beneficial Owners (CRBR) and geographical data.

Support in documenting the exercise of due care

The Intelligent Risk Monitoring helps businesses demonstrate that they exercised due care in the event of a dispute with tax authorities.

Screening of current and new business partners

The tool can be used to screen both current business partners and potential business partners with which your organization wants to collaborate.

Support in periodic screening of business partners

Our tool is perfect for one-time checks of full databases of business partners and for performing screening at periodic intervals, most typically on a quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis.

Visualizing results in a smart way

  • As part of Intelligent Risk Monitoring, we will provide you with a dedicated panel with the possibility of modifying the criteria and test weights depending on your company’s needs.
  • With this tool, you will obtain results tailored to your needs and reliable analyses in the form of interactive visualizations.


Automatically screening suppliers and clients

Comprehensively analyzing the risks associated with collaboration with business partners is a complex process that requires you to tap into a variety of information sources. Automating the process of screening business partners with the help of Intelligent Risk Monitoring in the SaaS model will save your time and increase your efficiency. The tool allows you to screen business partners in any place and at any time.

Identifying unreliable clients and distributors

Our tool screens business partners in terms of financial indicators in the area of liquidity/solvency and takes them into account in the risk assessment.  Intelligent Risk Monitoring is also aimed at identifying “shell companies” potentially involved in tax fraud or siphoning off funds.

Automatically analyzing warning signs

Our tool automatically downloads and completes data from business registers, financial data, and other data available through API, which allows a flexible approach to the scope of the analyses being performed and significantly reduces the time needed for their performance. Intelligent Risk Monitoring performs a series of tests and assessments of business partner risks in a fully automated way, thus boosting the cost-effectiveness of the solution and providing short feedback time.

Identifying suppliers that depend on your business

The tool verifies the degree to which business partners are reliant on doing business with you, using financial data from external sources and turnover data provided by you.

Area of operation

The Intelligent Risk Monitoring system provides for screening of companies located in the following countries:

  • Poland
  • Czech Republic
  • Slovakia
  • Hungary
  • Romania
  • Bulgaria
